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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  November 7, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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♪ -- captions by vitac -- good evening. president obama's apology, will it be enough to heal the program and satisfy people to say their old insurance is being cancelled and new info rans is unaffordable. >> fresh evidence in the death of kendrick johnson, a document casting more doubt on the official conclusion that his death was an accident. also, tonight, mayors gone wild, toronto's rob ford surfaces in a drunken maybe more pro famed radio rant. what the tape reveals. we begin with three words from president obama, i am sorry. the president apologized for
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that and failing to live up to the promise hi he made at nearly every step of the 2012 campaign. >> if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan. you can keep it. you can keep it. you'll be able to keep your health care plan. if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. you can keep your doctor. you can keep your doctor, too. you'll be able to keep your doctor. if you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor. you can keep your doctor. if you have health insurance and you like your doctor, you can keep your plan, keep your doctor. nobody is talking about keeping that away from you. >> that was the pledge for those seeing policies kalg cancelled. many will pay the same or less for better coverage and a significant number might not. we sat down with chuck todd who asked him about the people who feel burned. >> do you feel like you owe these folks an apology for not
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misleading them. they feel misled and you see the anger out there. >> i regret very much that what we intended to do, which is make sure that everybody is moving into better plans because they want them, as opposed because they are forced into it, that, you know, we weren't as clear as we needed to be in terms of the changes that were taken place and i want to do everything i can to make sure that people are finding themselves in a good position, a better position than they were before this law happened, and i am sorry that they, you know, are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got for me. we've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and that we're going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this. >> let's talk about it with
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candy crowley, david king and gloria berger. for anything related to obama care and for the first time we heard about something other than the website. what do you make of it? >> well, i wonder how this will, as they say, play in peoria because this may be too little too late. it's the other part of the statement that will eventually get all the attention. i grew up in the midwest and my father had this saying, oh, i'm sorry i didn't do this because he would say sorry i don't get the hey in for east coast translation an apology doesn't correct the problem. i think we are at that point where the president has to do something and he having sign signalled that in this beintervw accept changes to something he didn't want to change. >> republicans calling the president to fire kathleen sebelius. i was struck by what the president did not say when he was asked about that. let's listen. >> do you still have full confidence in kathleen sebelius?
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>> i think kathleen sebelius in tremendous difficult circumstances in the last four and a half years has done a great job in setting up the insurance markets so there is a good product for people to get. you know, kathleen sebelius doesn't write code. she wasn't our it person. i think she would be the first to admit that if we had to do it all over again, there would have been a whole lot more questions asked in terms of how this thing is working but my priority now is to get it fixed, and, you know, ultimately -- >> is she still the right person to do it? >> ultimately, the buck stops with me. i'm the president. this is my team. if it's not working, it's my job to get it fixed. >> he didn't say he had full confidence in her still. what do you read into it? >> he says the buck stops with me but had two opportunities to say yes, simple one-word answer yes, does she have your full
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confidence or is she still the right person? one-word answer we're not talking about this. the president won't give the republican as body. is the president disappointed in everybody who works for him on this issue? he should be and disappointed in himself as well because as you noted, he's the boss but in this environment, if the president were to turn on kathleen sebelius right now, candy just made a great point. he opened the door to legislative changes, one door. if he opens another door not only would he intensify the flames of this but like gloria said, you have to put somebody else in the confirmation chair, not now. >> gloria, the ad machine stati -- administration said the website would be functional by mid november. that's not what the president said tonight. i want to play that, as well. >> i'm confident it will be even better by november 30th and the majority of people will be able to get on there. having said that, given that i've been burned already with a website -- well more importantly, the american people have been burned by a website
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that has been dysfunctional, what we've also been doing is creating a whole other set of tracks making sure people can apply by phone effectively, making sure people can apply by person effectively. so what i'm confident is about anybody who wants to buy health insurance through the marketplace, they are going to be able to buy it. >> what do you make of that, gloria? >> i think he's pretty angry clearly about this and i just got off the phone with a senior administration official who says look we're obviously right now just trying to look for solutions, so, you know, the sebelius issue, firing kathleen sebelius right now doesn't help them find solutions. i'm told the president in this interview talked about finding options for those 5%, the individuals, millions of people who had their policies cancelled. maybe it won't come through legislation, anderson, but maybe it would come through what was
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called an administrative fixes to me, which means goes to those insurance companies and say, can you extend these policies through the new year to get these people through all of this so they don't have to go without insurance? which by the way so probably why we didn't hear the president cite size insurance companies because he's collaborating with insurance companies, he needs them. >> how important is that end of november date for this administration? >> another credibility test. they admitted they screwed up, messed up the roll up and have this emergency type text surge happening and the president was very clear there. he is not convinced it's going to be completely fixed. i don't think he could be more clear -- >> why should he be? >> they better get it dang close to being completely fixed because again, it's not just what is happening. it's when it is happening. we're in a sensitive political environment and the president is
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42, 44% approval rating but anderson, the post important people are senate democrats up for election next year. they run once every six years, they don't run every two years. they get nervous and are looking at an american public disgusted with anybody who has a title now so the president sits back and says be patient, in six months it will look better. the president says no thank you. they want to go home and say i made the president to do. the senate democrats are very important here. >> right. >> more than that, anderson, for every day or two or three or four or five days saying people still having problems, it undermines the idea that people are going to go sign up. people -- that has been the biggest worry. they knew eventually they could get the computer and the website to work. the question was, who loses faith between now and the time they get to that point because they have to have people sign up or it's not going to work.
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so, as that confidence gets under mined, if it doesn't ready by november 30 in bulk that's a problem for them. >> when you talk to people in the administration, democrats are proposing delaying the penalty for example. the response is what does delaying the personnalty do? that doesn't fix the problem for millions of people that find themself without insurance. the president says i need to focus on that now and he's right about that politically because these democrats up for reelection are really getting burned on this. >> they certainly are. thanks, let us know what you think on twitter @andersoncooper. coming up next, man, what is going on in toronto? rob ford's drunken rant caught on tape. this isn't the crack smoking video. this is another video. his mother's and sister's reaction.
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and an analyst from dr. drew pinsky as well. a picture of the largest storm in the world tonight and possibly in all of recorded history. a category five super typhoon big enough to core the eastern seaboard, we're trying the get in touch with our correspondent right in the middle of it tonight, ahead. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough.
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embarrassed now and said he kpfs treemly, extremely drunk when it was made. the mayor seems more than a inebriated. watch this.
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that is the mayor of toronto, mayor ford. a short time ago his sister and mother went on cp 24 speaking to reporter steven ledrux. >> he's not an addict. i'm a former addict if you would want to say, and as an alcoholic, if you want to consider binge drinking once every three months and you get totally plastered, which he just makes himself -- a fool out on
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himself and i've even asked him to leave one time. fine. >> it's not acceptable behavior. he's the mayor of the city. he knows that better than anybody. >> you say he's not going to resign. >> no, no, no. >> he's going to toughen out -- >> yeah, he did what he did. he made a mistake. he's admitted to the mistake. not a nice one, but he's done it but he has -- he's been to work every single day. he has not -- i mean, people want to say that oh my goodness, you know, he's ignoring counsel or ignoring his job at city hall. he isn't. >> diane kathy talking to cp 24 steven ledrew. robin doolittle has been writing about this. it was shot at a supporter of mayor ford's house, right. >> yeah, the video is over a minute long. it seems to have been shot in
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the summer because there is a reference to a bi election and there was one at that time and as you-all saw, the mayor seems really out of it, hyped up, pacing back and forpt swearing saying he's going to rip someone's throat out. he says he's a sick mother f-er. >> they offered to buy it and they didn't take you up on the offer, do you know why? >> that's consistent with the ford administration. the star has been reporting on this mayor and the erratic behavior for a year and we broke stories about drinking, missing city hall and domestic situations at his home and we give them a comment to publish and they have never taken us up on that. >> until just yesterday or so, the mayor never really even admitted to having drunken stupors, right? >> no, i mean, we're talking
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about the alcohol now and saying oh, well, he was drunk that's his excuse but up until seven days ago, he positioned himself as a clean-cut guy and our stories earlier this year about his staff wanting to get him into rehab were quite a bombshell at the time, and it's interesting now that his excuse is about well, look how drunk i was. i can't account for my actions. >> we just heard a little bit from mayor's ford's mother and sister. viewers that don't know this, can you give background on his family. i understand there is colorful characters. >> yeah, that was a completely stunning moment. we were in the press gallery and certainly cp 24 came on and you saw diane and kathy ford sitting there. if you're not following it, kathy ford has never really been seen publicly before. she has a very sad history. her estranged husband shot her current boyfriend at the time
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back in 1998 and murdered him in front of their children. in 2005 her boyfriend who was a heroin addict shot her in the head as she saw in the video said she herself struggled with drugs. she's not an elected official so the media stays away from that side of things but it was -- everyone's jaw dropped when we saw that on camera. >> and you've, obviously, written a lot about this mayor and got --, i mean, he's admitted to smoking crack, alcohol fueled rant on top of sexual harassment, repeated drunken episodes, what, if anything, will actually it take for him to leave office? there is no mechanism really in place, right? >> right, well there's renewed calls at counsel to ask the province to have him removed. the pre mere of ontario is unlikely to do that. although city counsel might formally pass a motion asking
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her to do this, that would give her political cover to do it. it's quite unlikely. at this point everything is changing so fast and there could be more videos. there are raeflations coming. the police have a different video that will come out at some point during a court case. there are hundreds of pages of search warrant documents into a police investigation into the mayor's activities. it's hard to know how this is going to end. >> it certainly seems day to day. robin doolittle appreciate your reporting. i want to turn to dr. drew pensky. you see that video, dr. drew, there is obviously the video of him smoking crack except that reporter had seen it. is it hard to believe these are just isolated incidents? >> no, anderson, please. first of all, i'm so fearful robin in the last interview said she doesn't know how things will end. i'm so fearful it's going to end with this man's demise. he has a serious condition. stop worrying about the crack.
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this guy is an advanced alcoholic. he has a family history of addiction. you just saw the evidence of that. we know he's a bing alcoholic to the point of complete stupor and having profound consequences from alcohol use and in massive denial and that's criteria for alcoholism and heading down a road that's serious and you can't imagine how frustrating as a physician to see people like his sister in full recovery making a distinction between alcoholism and addiction. they are the same disorder. they are both deadly. same part of the brain involved. slightly different natural history but the cultural, the sort of nearsightedness up in canada to look upon this man's behavior as not a serious and life threatening medical problem is driving me to distraction, i have to tell you. >> we heard from relatives saying look, he never missed a day at work -- >> doesn't matter. >> and you said something important, one of the criteria for alcoholism is what -- i forgot the wording you said.
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well, a significant impact on your life. >> yes, consequences. >> consequences. >> consequences -- >> clearly he has consequences everywhere. we're looking at the health consequences, work consequences, relationship consequences, he's having legal consequences and using other substances that alcoholics do. his primary drug is alcohol but let's not forget alcoholism is deadly and by several many different means, by the way. you're not dying necessarily of alcoholic liver disease. this man is in danger. i don't think he should step down. i think this man needs urgent medical attention, deal with his job issues later as you would anyone else with a serious life threatening medical problem. >> so what he says, you know, multiple drunken stupors or a drunken stupor, i'm good to go, this isn't impacting my job, i can do the work that needs to be done. you say that's just not correct, it's not true. >> it's not correct and denial and the fact the culture
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surrounding will accept that. you're the guy that likes to drunk to stupor, okay. for men, the very last thing to go before the most advance stages develop is the job. physicians get addiction. the place they stop -- the fear of their life that is affected the last is their work. even though everyone around them know there is is a problem, they continue to function at work until things are really advanced then they fail at the job. he's failing at the job. before he gets his job taken away, give him a chance to get help then see what we have on our hands here. you may have a great politician and somebody that can flushish and do a great job. he deserves that opportunity but he could get taken out and i'm afraid he'll die. >> when the crack smoking video broke, the mayor denied it and an excuse was he had a twin brother with addictions and could have been him on the
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video. that's more history. >> if he has a twin that's genetically the same, not a fa term twin, if he has advanced addiction this result of him developing this, is highly likely. if it's true, more evidence of how serious this is, this medical problem and it's becoming a circus, please, somebody help this man. >> dr. drew pensky, thanks for being with us. just ahead, breaking news in the kendrick johnson case. a document obtained by victor blackwell shows the coroner believed the crime scene was compromised and the investigation botched. and aiming to flat out ban artifici artificial trans fat. what that means for all of us, including those of us who love an occasional heart-clog snack. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. now breaking news in the story that only gets more baffling with each passing day. it's been nearly ten months since the body of kendrick johnson was found in a gym mat of his high school gym. ten months and no one can say exactly how he died and who is responsible, which is remarkable considering there are 36 video cameras inside and outside the gym. a judge ordered investigators to release the videos, what we've seen 191 hours worth raised more questions. last night we show you this clip you can see kendrick and disappears and other students appear. investigator tors say the videos haven't been altered. this was taken by a camera with
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the only view of the mat. all the video from this camera is blurry for some unexplained reason. his parents never believed the death was accidental, which is what the official investigation found. documents obtained raise new and troubling questions about that investigati investigation. victor joins me now. you got a new document from the coroner involved in kendrick's case. what did you find out? >> they got details from the video, the blurry video you showed how this investigation was handled. it was bungled at best used as a cover up. we have details from an official on the scene, the coroner bill watson about that investigation. here it is. it's coroner's death investigation report. i'm going to read from it. he writes the investigative climate was very poor to worse when i arrived on the scene. the body had been noticeably moved. the scene had been compromised
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and there was no corporation from law enforcement at the scene. he goes on to say, anderson, that information necessary for my law cful investigation was wh held. this is one version of the coroner's death investigation report. this is another. this one was sent to us as a result of an open records request from the coroner's office, and it's -- it's signed and dated. this copy was given to us in may by the sheriff's office and again last week as a result of that law enforcement. it does not have a description i just read, nor is it signed by the coroner. two versions of the same report. >> wait a minute, i have not heard -- i mean, this is stunning. there are two different versions of the same document and the official one that the police and other haves given you doesn't have any of what the coroner said about compromised crime scenes, about lack of
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corporation from law enforcement? it's basically a completely kind of whitewashed version, is that right? >> exactly. there are two versions and the version that does not have the description was given to us twice by the sheriff's office. initially when we asked for documents in may and again last week as a result of the law enforcement. so of course, we called the attorney who represents the sheriff and the coroner, is the information true? which information is with held? why are there two versions? this is the statement he sent us as a response to our request. in light of the u.s. attorney's review in this matter the luwndes county sheriff and coroner will not comment further on this case. they will fully cooperate and respond to all inkwir res to the united states attorney. they won't respond to our questions in the future. >> the best possible explanation i can think of in my head is they are trying to cover the
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incompetent investigation according to the coroner but you can also say they are actually trying to hide something beyond just incompetent investigation. >> once we saw these documents, this was just given to us and just a fau dew days. two verpgsions and we wanted to give them the opportunity to explain. they didn't. >> the surveillancsurveillance? >> the attorneys believe this video has been tampered with. edited and that one angle that shows the mat in the coroner, they believe that has been intentionally blurred. you can't see the tops of the mats. of course, that's where they say kendrick climbed in. they are planning to file a lawsuit to ask a judge to take custody of the original hard drive from the school district so that they can hire a forensic expert in computers to determine if it's been tampered, if there
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are elements that were recorded and either edited or omitted in the passage of this information to the sheriff's office and of course, to the family and to cnn. >> we don't know about editing of the tapes but the editing of the documents, you have two documents. i'm amazed by that. randi kaye as the 360 bulletin. >> authorities released the 911 calls from panicked people trapped inside new jersey's largest mall when a loan gunman opened fire. shoppers and workers begged for help, some whit perred fearing they might be heard by the gunman that took his own life but didn't shoot anybody else. >> somebody is shoot ugh up garden street plaza right now. >> somebody is shooting? >> somebody is shooting up garden state plaza right now. i'm in the bathroom. >> stay on the phone sweet heart. how many people are with you?
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>> three. >> are they in the store. >> i'm in the store in the office with the girl by myself but i'm scared and i want to get out the mall. i'm scared and i want to leave. >> i don't hear any sirens here, please hurry. >> a second man is arrested in connection with the deaths of this mississippi family found shot in the woods. investigators are trying to determine if the suspects had anything against the family or if they even knew them. nfl hall of famer tells his doctors he believes he has cte. the running back says he struggles with memory loss and personality changes. for the first time, the u.s. senate passed a bill to protect employees from discrime nation at work but unlikely to be controlled by the republican house. shares closing at nearly $45 for twitter, almost 73% above the initial public offering
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price of $26 a share, anderson. >> a lot of people made a lot of money. >> uh-huh. the fda takes the first step towards banning trans fat found in cookies, pizza, in things that taste good but aren't good for us. we're tracking a super typhoon, the largest to make landfall in the world in recorded history. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally. she'and you love her for it.ide. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use
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welcome back. today the fda turned up the head on artificial trans fat. they don't consider safe. the fda has been targeting trans fat that shows up. they required nutritional lanls to list the amount of trans fat and since then a lot of companies phase them out and the amount americans consume is dropping but the fda is bushipu
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towards a ban saying it could save lives. >> can you explain trnas fats. >> they are simple, it's vegetable oil and you add hide drin to it. it was thought these fats would be healthier than animal fats, which turned out not to be true. it's inexpensive and stable. it doesn't spoil easily, so people thought it was a win win. >> what foods are they in? >> all sorts of processed foods, french fries, donuts, biscuits, cake frosting and a biggest culprit is microwave popcorn which is surprising. >> it does surprise me. if the fda enacts it, how does it work? >> they would just have to start reformulating and this is not an incredibly difficult thing to do. for example in new york city they told restaurants you get to get rid of trans fats and they do it. not a huge deal. in the grocery store they have
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to find other things but switch out the trans fat and put in a different fat. >> would prices go up? >> it's interesting in restaurants and big chains they stopped frying in trans fat quite awhile ago. consumers didn't protest and kept eating the fries. taste-wise they won't notice. sometimes grocery manufacturers said the price would go up, but we would have to wait and see if that would be true. >> thanks. there is no timeline for a trans fat ban. the fda will collect comments. safe to say the food industry may give them an ear full. michael moss wrote the cover story broccoli's image make over and the author of salt, sugar fat and the food giants hooked us, he joins us now. >> does it sup prize you it's happening now?
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>> it does. they will not only be -- cholesterol level and public advocates have been fighting for years to get companies to come out and the companies them sevens have been responding to consumer concerns, as well. >> if they are taken out, would a consumer notice. i'm drawn to a lot of like soft bach cookies and stuff, all of which would have trans fats, would i notice the difference? >> these companies have on staff the most genius food scientist whose job is to reform late the products and that's really important point that your correspondent made. you're constantly reformulating usually to get the price down but one ingredient the price goes up, they turn to scientists and say help us out or let's find another way to do it. they are adapt at being flexible to pricing and consumer concern. so as we speak, they are out there looking at other things alternatives to chance fats and no doubt, in some products
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fiddling with the amount of sugar, salt, because the bottom line, they are looking to maximize the allure of their products, the taste, the convenience, and the low price and they are incredibly good at that. >> i put it on twitter who people think and a lot of people say it's a good idea and some people say this is a nanny state, too much. if i want to eat something that's bad for me, i should be able to. >> i'm astounded to that. people don't seem to remember sinclair and the jungle 100 years ago when he exposed the meat industry and contamination. i'm baffled why people don't think there is a minimum responsibility of the government to make sure that we're not fed products that will make us sick, and the other thing, too, it's important to realize -- >> there is a difference between contaminated meat and trans fats. >> thousands of lives we're talking about is what the scientists believe, trans fapts are putting at risk every year.
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they are thinking about regulation, here, too. you have to remember the food industry is incredibly fiercely competitive and there are among them companies that want to do the right thing and when they do it unilaterally, it's a difficult thing because competitors will swoop in and take their space on the grocery shelf. if for no other reason to give them coverage from each other and production from investors because they are incredibly beholding the profits. >> how quickly do you see this? it's inevitable. >> the fda is timid about these things. they feel science is at their side. we're at a tipping point of consumer concern. more and more people care about what they put in their bodies and the companies in the amazing moment where they need to start responding to the concern, whether the forced regulation or not. >> thanks for being on. up next, breaking news, a
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giant storm, possibly the strongest typhoon ever smashes into the philippines. we're trying to get a live update given the strength and also ahead an exclusive report. miguel marquez takes us down inside the bows of the earth a drug tunnel from pex mexico to san diego built by cartels. huh...fifteen minutes mexico to san diego built by cartels. mexico t diego built by cartels. ..everybs that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. yourturn night into conquer the globe. stop floods. now she could use a hand, so she can keep living
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likely the strongest cyclone in history is about to hit the fill leans. killed two, hard to imagine numbers will not climb. a super typhoon made it's way to the fill lephilippines, the win get with a strong category five hurricane. andrew stevens is in the fill leans. we were going to go to him but the conditions are too dangerous now. let's get the latest from chad myers. >> we're expecting an awful lot of damage. this is nothing, anderson, like you and i experienced in the not atlantic basin at all. 195 mile per hour hurricane, which is essentially like a category four, f 4 tornado about 15 miles wide. going straight across the country right now. and then f 3, f 2, f 1 winds like a tornado but this is a hurricane. the center of the hurricane, strong winds, low pressure and of course, an awful lot of
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rainfall that could cause flooding. it is likely now, it is claimed now that this is probably, we're going to have to go through and figure it out, this is probably the biggest storm to ever hit land. there probably have to be storms over the ocean bigger, we just didn't see them or fly into them. we don't know how big this truly is because there are no planes that fly into it. they don't fly planes into storms like we do here in america. i don't think i want to be in a plane wind doing 195 and gusts 235. the next stop is probably the north china sea and then eventual eventually, south china sea right into vietnam, that's the next stop for this storm and there will be no stopping it. there is nothing in the way. it will keep going as a category four hurricane typhoon cyclone. they are the same thing, just different oceans and different surname. hurricane is a cyclone is a typhoon. depends where it is.
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how long will it be on land for? >> it's moving very, very fast. it cruising. it came on shore three hours ago, i can see it going 30 miles an hour as fast as it's moved. our reporter right there under the a in tacloban city. it would be another six how weres and back into the water away from the philippines. the good news, the populated, truly dense lay populated here ya is here. it will miss that by 150 miles. the death toll would be ast thu this 195 mile per hour storm gone over there. >> our thoughts and prayers with them. in my interview with drew pinsky i asked what mayor ford said about a twin brother. they said he didn't say that and
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he doesn't have a twin brother. i want to correct that error and apologize. miguel marquez takes us unside a drug tunnel next. store and essentially they just get sold something. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. before you invest in a mattress, discover the bed clinically proven to improve sleep quality. the sleep number bed. once you experience it, there's no going back. for five days, c4 queen mattress sets are $1299-our lowest price ever! plus 36-month financing on qualifying purchases.
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tonight a 360 exclusive, a tour of an under ground tunnel.
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it was used to smuggle drugs from mexico to the u.s. not a simple hole in the ground, time, money and manpower went into construkting it. 600 yards long, six football fields long, deep, contains lighting, ventilation, tracks to ferry shipments of cocaine and marijuana. miguel marquez tonight takes us deep inside. >> this is the non-description warehouse, toys, they would move them from this warehouse to another far into the state of california. this is the plug for the tunnel, simple stuff, just a very heavy piece of cement on a big wire connected to a man that could pull it up. this is the tunnel. down this hole and 600 yards away is mexico and a whole other world. this is the air system. >> correct and this is the -- >> this would go to the mexico side? >> yes, and you can see it not done really well.
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they have a power system to use for the spade and lighting. >> and for lighting. >> so this is the sled on mining tracks they would move dirt out of the tunnel and drugs in. they would have gone 1700 feet, six football fields into mexico to bring it into this area here. the tunnelers weren't exactly on target as they dug. i take it, joe, they came up here, thinking they were inside the warehouse and this is just outside the warehouse? >> you are absolutely 100% correct. yes. >> they -- how many times did they miss their target? >> that we can see, they missed it like about three times. >> digging through clay, the estimate it took about nine months and up to $2 million to construct. >> they get one shipment through, it worth it. you must assume one of these tunnels is always at some stage of being built.
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>> we do. we operate on that. >> we're 35 feet, 40 feet below the ground now. >> correct. >> and this was dug clearly with reed men tarry tools of some sort. >> absolutely. >> these that you see here are exactly the markings that a numatic spade, a hand held tool would do. the other tools we found down here believe it or not are a pix ax and shovel fwl th. >> this is amazing. you descend and when you get here it a hole. >> tunnels like this ever more important in the drug trade as drug demand increases, mexican cartels work harder. >> we push them under the ground and into the ocean. >> despite this being a sophisticated tunnel, it's not as sophisticated as they have been. there are rough stairs up to the
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surface here. presumably they say there would have been an elevator. you can really feel the lack of oxygen, as you make your way in through it. it's quite an experience. >> miguel march gquez joins us. i was in a tunnel a couple years ago that did have an elevator. was this tunnel finished? did it have drugs moving through it? >> it was and it had drugs moving through. the agents know where it was. that tunnel was packed jammed with drugs, cocaine and marijuana from the u.s. side to mexico side. clearly, there was a jam up in the distribution system for those drugs. it is harvest season in mexico. they expect shutting down this drug tunnel is only going to create more pressure to either build another tunnel, bring it in over ultra lights or in boats farther up the coast of california 6 california. it going to be have ar, very
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interesting year. >> thank you very much. that does it for this edition of 360. thanks for watching. we won't have a repeat of 360 at 10:00. cnn films has a new movie, pandora's promise starts now. pandora's promise starts now. hope you enjoy it. -- captions by vitac --